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Step 1: Configure your template

A template is a set of rules for how your importer behaves. Generally, you will want to create a template for each type of data (e.g. product SKU data, contacts data) that you want your users to be able to import.


If you're building a restaurant SaaS product, you might define the following templates:

  • Ingredients template - to import the inventory of raw ingredients
  • Dish SKU template - to import the menu
  • Employees template - to import your employee data

Create a template

To create a template, navigate to the templates page and click create new template.

Configure template domains

Once you've created the template, you need to configure the template domains.

The template domains represent the domains from which your template can be imported from. This is important to ensure the template can only be used by domains you authorize. To test locally, you can add localhost like so: http://localhost.


To add multiple domains to a template, separate them by commas.

For example:,,