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Overriding columns

To override Columns defined in a template, pass in an array of Column objects to the columns parameter in the DolphinCSVImporter instance / component. Any columns you have configured in the template page will be ignored.

General column properties

All columns have 4 properties in common:

typeThe Column type.string
internal_refThe Column internal reference acts as the Column identifier. When you receive the imported data, fields will be saved using the internal_ref.string
labelThe Column label visible to your users.string
requiredDetermines if the Column is required. If it is, users will need to supply data for that Column, and values for that Column cannot be blank.boolean

On top of those 3 common properties, some Columns contain a Meta object, which controls data validation behavior within the Column.

See below for examples of how to define each Column & its associated Meta.

Types of Columns


A text column represents any arbitrary text. The following Meta properties are available:

max_length (optional)The maximum length for the textnumber
min_length (optional)The minimum length for the textnumber
alphanumeric_only (optional)Specifies whether to only alphanumeric characters are allowedbooleanfalse
letter_casing (optional)Specifies expected letter casing. The default option means the importer will not validate letter casing.default | uppercase | lowercase | titledefault
disallowed_characters (optional)Specifies any characters you want to disallow from the text. Place all the disallowed characters inside a string, like this: #$%^&*()string
disallow_tabs (optional)Specify whether tab characters (\t) are disallowed.booleanfalse
disallow_linebreaks (optional)Specify whether linebreak characters (\n) are disallowedbooleanfalse


const textColumn = {
type: "text",
internal_ref: "name",
label: "Name",
required: true,
meta: {
max_length: 2,
min_length: 64,
alphanumeric_only: false,
letter_casing: "title",
disallowed_characters: "_#@$%^&*()",
disallow_tabs: true,
disallow_linebreaks: true,


An email column captures email addresses. It does not have any Meta properties.


const emailColumn = {
type: "email",
internal_ref: "email",
label: "Email Address",
required: true


A URL column captures website URLs. It does not have any Meta properties.


const urlColumn = {
type: "url",
internal_ref: "website",
label: "Website URL",
required: false

International Phone Number

An international phone number column captures phone numbers in international format. It does not have any Meta properties.


const phoneColumn = {
type: "phone",
internal_ref: "contactNumber",
label: "Contact Number",
required: true

US Phone Number

A US phone number column captures phone numbers specific to the US format. It does not have any Meta properties.

const usPhoneColumn = {
type: "us_phone",
internal_ref: "usContactNumber",
label: "US Contact Number",
required: true

US Postcode

A US postcode column captures postal codes in the United States. It does not have any Meta properties.

const usPostcodeColumn = {
type: "us_postcode",
internal_ref: "zipcode",
label: "ZIP Code",
required: true


A picklist column provides a dropdown selection. The following Meta property is available:

optionsAn array of options for selection.{label: string, value: string}[]
const picklistColumn = {
type: "picklist",
internal_ref: "department",
label: "Department",
required: true,
meta: {
options: [
{ label: "Sales", value: "sales" },
{ label: "Marketing", value: "marketing" },
{ label: "Development", value: "development" }


A number column captures numeric values. The following Meta properties are available:

min_value (optional)The minimum value allowed.number
max_value (optional)The maximum value allowed.number
disallow_decimals (optional)Specifies whether decimal values are disallowed.booleanfalse


const numberColumn = {
type: "number",
internal_ref: "quantity",
label: "Quantity",
required: true,
meta: {
min_value: 1,
max_value: 100,
disallow_decimals: true


A percentage column captures percentage values. Imported percentage data is returned as floating point numbers (i.e. 10% is returned as 0.1).The following Meta properties are available:

min_value (optional)The minimum value allowed (e.g. 0.1 to denote 10%).number
max_value (optional)The maximum value allowed (e.g. 0.9 to denote 90%).number


const percentageColumn = {
type: "percentage",
internal_ref: "completionRate",
label: "Completion Rate",
required: false,
meta: {
min_value: 0,
max_value: 1


A True/False or boolean column captures True or False data. It does not have any Meta properties.

const trueFalseColumn = {
type: "boolean",
internal_ref: "active",
label: "Active",
required: true


A date column captures date values. Date data is returned as a string. The following Meta properties are available:

min_value (optional)The minimum date allowed in YYYY-MM-DD format.string
max_value (optional)The maximum date allowed in YYYY-MM-DD format.string


const dateColumn = {
type: "date",
internal_ref: "startDate",
label: "Start Date",
required: true,
meta: {
min_value: "2023-01-01",
max_value: "2024-12-31"


A datetime column captures date and time values. Datetime data is returned as a UTC timestamp indicating the number of seconds since epoch. The following Meta properties are available:

min_value (optional)The minimum datetime allowed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.string
max_value (optional)The maximum datetime allowed in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.string


const datetimeColumn = {
type: "datetime",
internal_ref: "eventTime",
label: "Event Time",
required: true,
meta: {
min_value: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
max_value: "2024-12-31T23:59:59Z"